Wednesday, September 30, 2009

xP sei late din update blog jor...keke

Sorry sorry sorry......sorry for very very long din update my blog....T.T
Cause busying watch movie.....lazy dao~ bluekxx...
Last holiday like a crazy + pig movie till so late.....and then the second day afternoon only wake....but got one gud...can han fan no nid eat breakfast....then save dao time and money...zzzz very fei yi xia geh...
Wake up then brush teeth...bathe...clean....then eat breakfast and watch movie.....then drink water....then refill....then cut again....after eat , drink juice...then eat cookies....then eat toaster bread (when watching movie....sambil geh....xD) .....then go bathe......then continue watch....then eat bread....then cook noodles...then eat egg.....
Whole week also the same activity.....except Wednesday and Friday only.....
Wednesday go mega with another 10 'Where Got Ghost' crazy dao yi xia hahax
Then go eat.....hahax......sor zai C****** go eat the sweet and sour sauce in McDonald....kena him za dao......make me scream.....cause he pour the sauce inside M***** eat finish jor the McFlurry Oreo cup....yuckSss... =.=" xD
Then go play all dun so dak chek........i noe you all very geng....
Most gek is the person give me that shoes.......small dao~ chai dont want wear xD
Sei R****....purposely say help me play once...then throw the bowling into the drain wor DENG !!! I will balas dendam....i know you very expert in bowling....dont show-off....blek xP
Hahax....i almost every time play also go in drain....dont laugh lor...yu pei geh hou mou hahax...E***** thankx to help me play one round....although you act expert but actually....not....hahahahha sorry to say that wakaka cause i feel its funny xD
Sei D****.....i know i very need to zat me and hit my head geh what...huiyoo i sure will balas dendam ! Dont so happy....showing wont know i writting you hor....hope he din see dao....hahax....xD
Somemore who not yet zat ar.....erm....R**** D**** I*** M***** C****** still got one more who jor ar...sei...forgot jor...remember jor !! K**** hahax.....geng ark you all also got christian name geh xD
Girl got......Y**W** I*** X***T*** X**** E***** ngam ngam hao.....
Stupid la theatre/theater hall so so so so noisy....
Lian 'A' de sit at wher also dont know... Girls lagi liak than you all hahax
Sit most behind shuang all also duno give jor M***** money mei =.=||
Hahax.....gila holiday..... =]