Thursday, July 30, 2009 !!! ( Part 1 ) great day......a wonderful day......^^...not that........=.="
Today....i 'accidentaly' brang phone to school....
When i saw Ivory......she ask me got brin apron anot wor......aiyo......forgot.....(Liang Mei too)
Then i use my phone to call my him bring apron for me........luckily he didn't scold me.....^^
(I need apron cause we will cook in KH group cooked fried noodles...)
Today....first bowl of prawns' period......
She told us our english paper result...
So....not that bad result for me....err....wee a B.....
But....its unfair.....another 78% gua....'its' english is poor than wee kie but score a better B ?! Haiz......very very unfair !!! Because 'it' tiru in exam !!
Wee Kie is very sad and dissapointed.....she cried...but....she cried not because of the person !!
Just....for herself...but......i knew she did her best in exam........^^
Tis kind of ppl wil get their balasan de also not very shuang 'it' geh.....zZz
'It' is kind of LC...LY....OL....BA......and LL.....zzz.....tought 'its' family very geng....tought ownself very rich......always show off say ownself got how many many land....say 'its' dad how rich how rich....Ishh....!!!!!!
Bluek lar.....everyday in class show show show....zzz.....know you very very need to show...
'It' also very no manners der....ppl saying things till halfway she call ppl let 'it' say 'it' things.....'it' always want to snatch ppl things....what also want to take...zzzZzz...
Ben lai 'its' maths is ONLY SCORED 68%.....'it' tiru....ask answers.....check answers....i saw a paper....there written all those things......and all 'its' yuan ben geh n Wee Kie counted....if 'it' din tiru........'it' only can score 68% !!!!!!
Before tiru = 68 marks
After tiru = 100 marks
Sooooooooo unfair !!!!! 68 and 100.....sooooo big difference.....'it' yuan ben get B.......but 'it' scored 100..... very geng......har you is very geng......we sabar....we don't say you....we let you be....
Oways tought ownself have a very very gud look......everyone crush to you.....everyone loves you.....HELL LA!!!!
Everyday wipe ppl shoes........say ppl wipe...then ownself leh? No wipe lar ?! Also wipe wad ?!
When take the maths paper you still can say ' yipee !,woohoo !,yay! ' .....Ish.....
You tiru to score 100 marks.....not with your own ability !!!!!
You dun even have layak to tell ppl you scored 100 marks in maths.......because,the 100 marks is not yours !!! Is the dumb who gaves you ALL THE CORRECT ANSWERS !!!!!
I 100% guarantee...your mum....the ba po...wil tell everyone :
(A is the mum....B is the 'its' mum de friend...)
B : 啊,你女儿数学考多少分?
A :100 分咯.....hehe.....^^
B : 哇~这样厉害啊....
A : 没有啦没有啦......哪里有厉害jek.....(^^) (Ishh.....做作到~)
B : Haiz....我的女儿啊....考得很差的啊....
A : 哎呀~我的女儿也不是好到去哪里啦~100 分 罢了嘛......( mental problem or crazy ler? ! 100 marks is the highest.....u stil tought can higher than 100? 白痴的八婆.....)
'Its' mother so like to show off....sure will say like that de lor....wakakka
Her mother still ba dao like help me do advertistment......go and tell all her ba po frens i paktor.......same as her child lar......also so ba.........hate.....
Say me paktor cal her child dun always mix me wor.....gila....
After few months....the ba po mum know her child also paktor.......
See........same only mar......your child also paktor lar !!!!! Say me.....memang gila......let you yu pei lar !!!!! XP XD
So ba....hate sei you ark !!!!! Oways say owself very geng....tought ownself very nice....verry leng nui/zai....actually you know how disgusted you are?!
Your a plate of SH*T lar !!!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Birthday......Nicholas !!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birhday to you
Happy Birthday to Nicholas ^^
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday Nicholas....

Late post.... =.="

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ben ben de me.....haiz......

( I edit this post.....not because of i scared u......especially is CJ7 ......i didn't scared before u.....=x)
I edit because of my DiSc only.....if not duwan let my DiSc gek dao...i also won't edit....xx
Siak siak hear what DiSc say.....^^
Mm guai guai.....
(Duno de ppl dun ask me what am i writing...only....DiSc know.....hor?.....hehex.....)
DiSc...want exam already......jyjy! Mm always support you.......^^
Forever DiSc.....xD

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thx Si Jie !! MuackXz....xD

Hehex....thx si jie! If not si jie...i duno when only upload pics....thx!!!! ^^
See.....mama ang sooo pretty.....hehex....^^
I went xiao po's house some homework....n borrow her computer to upload pic...hahax........we still play 自拍 0.o the we went down n bought for kitchen de cap....hahax...
Then i walked back home...
Today.....hmm...err...ntg happen i tink...i remember only write narhx ^^.... jia n xiao po went to library when relieve...
Then i follow lor...altogether 3 of us.....
Suddenly....came so class de girls all came.....zzzz
Then in library de teacher asked why we all came library...
Then we told her relieve lor...she say nid got teacher bring first dou....go library also wan make so many fan.....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Xiao mei n Si jIe.......

M0squito and san jie !!!!

Li Kar n Mii~


Xiao po.....M0squito.......Mao mimi~

Me n Loh Lyne...


Li Kar Yii Wen Loh Lyne

Sunday, July 19, 2009


When Friday....after perhimpunan form 1 had spotcheck....
Luckily me and Iwei didn't bring handphone...if not.....i also don't know what will happen....=x
I already hide all those things that cannot bring to school in class at thursday....
Phew.....luckily.....Pn. Meriam who checked me....luckily....=.="
Few of my friend got demerit....Wee Kie....Liang Mei....and don't know still have who.....
Haiz........little thing also want to demerit...memang za dou....
When PJ period...teacher let us play basketball...then we walked to basketball court....
Those boys and F* teacher at there playing football...
Pig teacher means pig teacher football at basketball court....
We told the F* teacher softly that we girls wanted to play basketball.....
Then the F* teacher scold us 'tak nampak kami di sini main ke? Pergilah tepi! '
....then i borrowed mama ang's ball and run one round....the teacher keep shout at me call me go away....i 不甘心 mar....then i didn't bother what he say...
Then i call mama ang come n play with me....
The F* teacher stare at thought we wil scared u meh........hahahax.....impossible k? xD
After we play we sit at there...the teacher still stare at us.....we stare back him....and i keep talk bad him....zat back him.....he say he want demerit us wor.....hahahaha.....u tought i will scared meh ah pek.....zzzzzz.....cheh.....demerit then demerit carez.......
Suddenly their ball dropped on the field...we didn't help them take it back....then he stare back us.....tot i will scared? We stare back the F* guy la....thought we very nice to bully yar...and this is not first time...its second ler....i cannot stand him liao...really very unfair....stup** you......if i know what car u sit....i wil smash ur stupid car....
Hate you sooo don't have layak to be teacher....pig also better than you....

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Today....wad happened....xD
KC....y ur mouth so big n like talk nonsense.....dis wad u get for it....hahahax
Canot blame on ur fault...u said him first....tis is just a small lesson for you....hope u dun talk rubbish n nonsense anymore.....^^
Wafer din came skul 2 days jor shuang.....relieve~ xD
When KH period.....teacher oso din come....we go library....^^
OMG....spotcheck.....but luckily not my clas...just some form 2 & 3 scary....
WHen BM period....teacher suddenly become so fierce....
When she came in class......she straight go bhind and lock the back door...
A lot of ppl ponteng from the back door.....
Haiz....y she suddenly like dis fierce...scold us....xp

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hmm....very long no write blog liaox.... long din write blog le + lazy...=x
Err....last Saturday i went mega at afternoon.....then at night go tc....until 11 something oni go very tired lo....zzz
Sunday....i go play badminton...before uncle brang me go Hoi Yin mum-mum...
Ho jiak.....xD
I wear casual wear go to Teo Badminton...hahax...wear slippers sumore....
More like going yam cha than exercise lorhx.....
After play n some frenx go yam cha....then those boys go jun jet house....
Me n Yu Jia walked to Nam Heng yam cha again...hahax....
Then v walked go Tunas Manja...i bought sweets ^^ hehex....
After about half an hour.....Yu Jia went bak home....i walked to Men-Men...
I bought a 毛笔 dad came fetch me after i bought it.....
Went bak house.....wif many durians....=.="
Err....then Monday....Monday....err....nothing happened i think...
REmember! Its Puan Ruzilla's birthday!! Happy birthday....but she din came.....she went to Selangor.....hav bit tings to do in there....
SO....we celebrate her birthday Tuesday.....we bought 2 cakes for her !! ^^
And.....1 cerdas class too......hehex.....we so siak our teacher orkx.....^^
Wednesday......nothing special oso......=.="

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bukit Pelindung Trip !!! =D

Shuangxx go climb Bukit Pelindung with 6 friends....pluz me then 7 lur....
Mama Ang (Jen Yi) , Xiao Po ( Iwei ) , Mosquito ( Yii Wen ) , Kiwi (Wee Kie ) , Esther ( Yu Jia ) , Jody ( Liang Mei ) , Angeline ( En Thong ) go climb Bukit Pelindung...^^
En Thong saw her primary teacher when we was goind up to the top....the teacher helped us to take picture.....Thanks ya....teacher....( although i duno who you are =.=" )
Deng...halfway....suddenly rain....hahax....then v run to the run run!!! =D
Luckily not very wet....when i look up...a small part of the roof is god...hahax
V took a lot of laptop spoil jor....nid wait....zzzz...gek sam...
I met some frens!! Not my daddy's frenz...^^
I oso saw mama ang's Mum....Dad...Jie Jie....n her little dog Penny....=.="
When v took pic in one of us de phone....we wil scream.....GIV ME FIRST!! GIV ME FIRST!!! sot....
After about...30 minutes.....the rain not dat heavy....v walked n Liang Mei put handkerchief on our head...then i say to Iwei....XIao po!! Take me n Liang Mei dis 2 sot po put handkerchief on our head!!
Then she laugh...when she wanted to n Liang Mei faz faz take down the stupid thing on our head...wakaka....luckily she didnt capture...if not....i duno she dis Xiao Po wil do wad wif the pic....=.=" many tings hapen......lazy to write.....=.="
Later when my laptop fixed....i wil upload many pic....^^

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Halo...long time no c...xD

Hmm....yesterday i go tc wiv other skul geh frenx...saw some aa skul frenx too! ^^
I went ther after fren belanja me makan...xD laptop spoil jor....mayb after few days i wil upload sum pictures dat v took together...^^
After few hours....i went to skul for bsb...haiz...leg stil got a bit pain...but i canot dun play...
Atnight....i went to Auditorium Darul Makmur RTM Pahang to watch '大爱之夜 亮起来' 'Great Love Brightens Up The World' Performance Night
O.o so cold....Hmm....great performance....Hahax...saw some teachers and friends too ^^
After that....went to eat....
When went back home....already almoz 11....then i went to sleep....
Today oni write blog......^^

Friday, July 3, 2009

Haiz....sei report card.....=.="

HaizXXx> dad came to skul to take my report card....when i saw him at skul....
Im like gonna scream....Ishhx.....haiz....After Marcus my daddy's g0d...
Its about 10 minutes my form teacher talk to my dad....then...i went bak home....
Been lectured by dad in the journey....
Scary + Scared.....the saddest say dat teacher told him i not dat disiplince in skul.....
I canot drop my tears infront of my dad....he wil kill me....=.="
Just in time i jump down from my tears....drop like hell....
And keep on asking myself....wad did i done in skul??
I cant scream....cuz neighbourhoods wil tink im crazy =.="
Im really dad talk to me with lots of bad tings...
Someting like...if i no disiplince...teacher wil keep on demerit me....until im over limit...the skul wil expel me...n he wont even care dat did i been expel....n straight cal teacher to expel me...
Hurt my feelings....hurt my can he talk tis kind of tings to me....