Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh my god...... =.="

Aiyo.....why you all so liak zai know i have blog geh....
I also din tell you all......and we still not same school wor......
Memang too liak zai hor you all.......
Haiyaya.....hak sei me......
Hahax.....wee~ cycle here cycle there.... Kakax.... xP =p
Play here play there......^^

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to Kiwi Juice !!!!!! ^^

Happy Birthday to you ,
Happy Birthday to you ,
Happy Birthday to Kiwi Juice ,
Happy Birthday to yooooou !!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Kiwi Juice........
^^ have a good time in TC with our gang n potato gang...
Hahax.....while Kiwi wanted to cut the cake........potato gang take the cake and throw to others ppl face....hahax.....then we also play....fei dao~
We ate so many so many things....took pictures.....^^

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stupid de me......

Alamak......why almost all my latest post i also say myself stupid ?
Hahax......cause im stupid. Hehe.
Stupid stupid stupid. XD.
Haiz......secondary life so complicated........ stress........many things to think.....many new subject......aiyo.....
Also dont know teacher teach what in class...... sleepy........
Why secondary life so ma fan de.....zzZzzzz........

Monday, August 17, 2009

Stupiak geh mii ~

=[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[
Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad
Cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
Miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss
Love love love love love love love love love love love love love
Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate

D-u-n a-s-k m-e w-h-a-t a-m - i- w-r-i-t-t-i-n-g .-.-.-.-.-.-.
B-e-c-a-u-s-e- i- n-o-t f-e-e-l- l-i-k-e s-a-y-i-n-g .-.-.-.-.-.
D-o-n-t b-o-t-h-e-r m-e .
D-o-n-t d-i-s-t-u-r-b m-e .
L-e-a-v-e m-e a-l-o-n-e .
F-o-r- n-o-w , a-n-d m-a-y-b-e f-o-r-e-v-e-r , t-o-o .-.-.-.
B-e-c-a-u-s-e - i-m - s-t-u-p-i-d .

Bkt. Pelindung........^^

XD Today morning went to Bukit Pelindung with my cute ketua kelas Ain , her friendly mother =] , Si Jie and San jie......
I woke at 6:15 a.m to prepare.... Uhh.....sleepy...... =.=||
San Jie dont let me put my bottle into her been forced to take it in the whole journey...=x
Its just a few person going up to Pelindung Mountain....
Maybe its too early or what......^^
While everyone is there....we walked together......^^
Just a few steps.....then Ain's active mommy slow down........
We guys continued........not that long....Ain was worried about her mom.....then she walked down to accompany her mommy ^^ Good girl AIN xD
We san jie mei walk walk walk and walk....bit tiring...
Reached to the top....walk back to the bottom....
We saw Ain and her mommy !! ^^ xD !! XDDDD wakaka......damn slow.....=.=||
Took some pictures too......^^
Errm........i think thats all for today.......!! ^^

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Very very dissapointed on you two.........

You of you...i treat you as my good friend...i lc you cause of her...
Then you call me dont lc you....then i didnt lc you....
But how you treat me?
I tought you is a kind girl......a good girl....very good heart....
But......who tought was wrong......
You is a bad girl !!! A liar !! A girl who makes me hate you !!!!!! A friend that makes me shame !!!!! A friend who makes me sad !!! A friend who makes me hurt !!!A friend who makes me dissapointed so much.....i dont think i can reli forgive did something who makes me very sad....very can i have a friend as you ? When i saw you....i really wanted to slap you....wanna ask you.........WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY !!!!!!!!????? Why you wanted to treat me like this !!!!!???? I cried. Cried loudly. Hurtly. Sadly. I even throw my cup on the floor. It brokes. Just like my heart. Brokes. Finished. No more. At all. How can you.....and you still lie a friend....i trust you.....i really trust you from my truly heart........
Another one......YOU !!!! I am very angry with you !!!!!
Padan muka now your best friends all dont want to bother you !!!!!
I really treat you as my best sis........
How you treat me ???!!!
You chu mai me !!!!
You know why i will angry? I angry cause i really very very wanted to treat you as my sis , my friend. what the another one did that i wrote before you.
Lots of ppl hate u , say you change , and me too thinking like this.
You starting FAT HAO......SHOW OFF....ZAT PPL....
MAybe im also not perfect , but i think you is worse than me.....
Im so sad......very sad......... I cried. Cried loudly. Hurtly. Sadly. I even throw my cup on the floor. It brokes. Just like my heart. Brokes. Finished. No more. At all. As what i told just now already.....
How come will FAT HAO till like this ??
Terrible you....
You two made me hurt soooooo much........i treat you two as my truly friend . But you two treat me as what ? Your dog ? Your Doll ? Or a shit ?
The first of is so horrible.
The second of is a faker.
Im very dissapointed........feel ashame to you two !!!!
Play me like fool !!!!
I cried so many times......still thinking of transfer school....forever dont want to use phone.... cute leng nui dai sou an wei me....if not.....i really will go and slap you two....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

OH MY GOD........hhhhhaaaiiizzzzzz

I am so stupid....
Very stupid.....
Still want think for what.....its over......already pass...
Pass jor almost 3 months....
Why im still thinking of it.....
Haiz....Chin Yii Wen is soooo stupid......stubborn.....useless...terrible....crazy....ugly....rubbish girl....
Ownself take and think......
Ownself take and cry......
Ownself take and see........
Ownself take and sad....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Haiz........... mood.....
Today.....we cook at KH period.....and also Geografi period....
Hahahax......then Cik See ngam cham us.........=.="
ZzZzz......sot derhx.........xD we cook skon titis.....ZzzZ...same group with same people.........
Err.....the ' pancake ' is good......but the jam....mixed fruit jam........
Eww !!!!! spoil jor de jam...
Regret to put it on the ' pancake ' .....haiz.....
The taste is so strange..... =.="
Bluekx......almost vommit..... =x

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Yesterday de yeasterday de Sunday lor hor...
Me...n my fren go mega....hahax.....
We watched a show in cinema....not bad lorh........
Frenz bought some clothes......=.="
When we playing basketball in capcom.....
Something happened.....then we ran to parkson........hahahax.........
We sit inside the fitting room.........captured some silly pictures....xD time go mega i also want to go fitting room play.....hehex.....sot sot d ^^ =.="
A happy day.........^^
( Err......sorry to you.....i lied you i going ecm.....i din reply ur msg......i din hear your call..... )

Zzzzz.....2nd part geh.....

After rehat de duno which KH....we nid to cook......xD
Im a group wif Ivory.....actually is with L Ying , too.....but......the sot teacher suddenly sot ler.....she dun believe that three chinese girls so qiao in a same group.....( cause we 抽签 de )
Then........she changed L Ying to another group.....haiz........left me and Ivory only.....
Before that...we went downstairs to take so good girl....i clipped my hair......scared Pn. Meriam will saw it......
After that......we went to bilik masakan to 'play' masak masak .....^^
Our group cook fried noodles....
Ingredients = Err.... vegetable , tauge , sotong , chili sauce , noodles , onion , garlic , cooking oil , black sauce , soy sauce.....
We worked together.....we discuss who will do this......wo will do that.....hahax....^^ bluekx....
Then....cut cut cut....wash wash wash.....throw throw throw.....peel peel peel....put put put.....cook cook cook......then is ready to serve......^^....hehe.....
Phew.....luckily not bad........if not...will yu pei dar....xD
We girls cook till Geografi period finish only go back to class......hahax...
We ate at BM Puan. Juwairiah's period....
We gave Puan. Juwairiah try some......hehex......^^
Then....back home lor....
4 something.....go out ler.....
Then......7....go tution....
Go tution play Wei Zhen's leng zai xiong di.....xD
Played her........
That's all. ^^